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Anointing: A Sacred Calling Inside and Outside Religion

Divine Anointing, a Sacred Calling.
Divine Anointing, a Sacred Calling.

What Is Anointing?

The word anointing originates from the act of applying oil to a person, typically as part of a sacred or ceremonial practice.

In religious contexts, it signifies divine selection, empowerment, and blessing.

Beyond religion, anointing is often seen as an energetic or spiritual activation—an acknowledgment of one’s gifts, calling, or purpose.

Anointing can manifest in various ways:

  • A physical act involving sacred oils, water, or hands.

  • A spiritual experience where one feels a sudden awareness of divine purpose.

  • A symbolic term for those who possess extraordinary skill, insight, or leadership.

How Does It Work?

Anointing functions as both a consecration and a commissioning—it marks someone or something as set apart for a higher purpose.

Traditionally, it happens through an external source, such as a religious leader, spiritual guide, or divine intervention.

However, some people experience self-anointing through deep personal revelation, meditation, or an encounter with spiritual truth.

The process of anointing can involve:

  • Ritual and ceremony – Often seen in religious settings where a priest, shaman, or healer anoints an individual.

  • Energetic transfer – A shift in one's consciousness or energy field.

  • Divine confirmation – An inner knowing that one has been chosen for a purpose.

Who Has Anointing?

Anointing is often associated with religious figures such as prophets, priests, and kings, but it extends beyond those roles.

Artists, healers, leaders, and teachers can all carry an anointing for their work. It is not limited to any one group, but rather, it emerges in those whose lives are deeply connected to a higher calling or divine mission.

How Does a Person Know They Have Anointing?

Recognizing one’s anointing often comes with signs and confirmations, such as:

  • A deep sense of purpose that will not go away.

  • Unusual favor, success, or influence in a specific area.

  • A natural ability to uplift, heal, or inspire others.

  • Receiving prophetic words, visions, or spiritual confirmations from others.

  • A compelling desire to serve and act in alignment with a divine mission.

Why Do People Receive Anointing?

Anointing is given not for self-glory, but for service.

Those who receive it are entrusted with responsibilities such as:

  • Healing and guiding others.

  • Bringing wisdom and clarity to difficult situations.

  • Leading movements, whether spiritual, creative, or humanitarian.

  • Acting as vessels of divine energy, helping to uplift and transform the world.

What Should Someone Do With Their Anointing?

Once a person realizes they are anointed, they must decide how to steward it.

Here are key steps:

  • Cultivate humility and wisdom – Anointing is a gift, not an entitlement.

  • Seek guidance and mentorship – Learning from those who have walked a similar path helps refine the gift.

  • Use it for service – Whether through healing, teaching, creating, or leading, anointing should bless others.

  • Protect it from ego and misuse – Many fall from grace by using their anointing selfishly or irresponsibly.

  • Develop spiritual and emotional discipline – The weight of anointing requires a strong foundation.

Points of Reflection

If you believe you may have an anointing, ask yourself:

  1. What area of life or work do I feel deeply called to?

  2. Have others recognized a unique gift or energy in me?

  3. Do I experience moments of profound inspiration, clarity, or guidance?

  4. How do I currently use my gifts to serve others?

  5. Am I prepared to take responsibility for my anointing and its impact?

  6. How can I ensure I stay grounded and aligned with my higher purpose?

Final Thoughts

Anointing is not just about religious ceremony—it is a spiritual mantle that carries profound responsibility.

Whether through faith, intuition, or natural talent, those who are anointed are meant to walk a path of service, integrity, and transformation.

Recognizing and embracing one’s anointing is the first step toward fulfilling one’s greater purpose.

Feeling Ready and Inspired?

If you feel inspired to direct your life path toward a deeper knowing, connect with Divine Black Sheep to learn more about healing arts and business workshops, community experiences, building your expertise as a teacher, or receiving private practitioner services. You're invited to email, message or schedule online today.

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